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I am a historian and archaeologist by training, adept at working on excavation sites and examining palaeo-biological remains (e.g. plant seeds, bones, teeth). As archaeology and anthropology offer a very good template to study many phenomena evolutionary biologists and earth scientists are interested in, I have, in my academic journey so far, forayed into genetics, molecular ecology and isotope geochemistry.

In particular, I intend to reconstruct palaeoclimate using carbon and oxygen isotope signatures in archaeological or geologic contexts. Additionally, I am interested in unravelling trajectories of dispersals and evolutionary adaptations in humans and domesticates using ancient DNA from archaeological and palaeontological samples. Please see the résumé tab above to view my academic history.

For about a decade, have been writing on various themes in natural and social science in some of India’s leading newspapers and magazines. These days, I work on science communication with The Indian Express. The résumé tab also contains a complete list of my journalistic work.

Please contact me if you have any interesting idea to share, or would just like to get in touch.

Thanks again! — Ritvik